Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lindsay and Jeff's Story~Part 3

While this is the last installment of Lindsay and Jeff's story, something tells me this is just another chapter in their book.  Watch and see how their story finishes by visiting their website at:  Donate and help bring their little boy home!~Kassie

Ari’s Story

I was just a little girl as I sat in the black leather rocking chair staring at a tiny picture of a little Korean baby girl with “scare hair” and cute fat cheeks that needed kissing so badly. This picture was not just a picture of any baby though, this was my sister! We had adopted my brother from Korea years earlier and now by this point I knew that having a new sibling was going to be wonderful! As the months passed by we had only a few pictures to remind us of who we were dreaming of and who we were working so hard to bring home! So my pastime was to look at this tiny little picture and think about what she would be like. I still vividly remember the day we brought her home to finally be part of our forever family. She was laying out on the living room floor this cute little 6 month old baby, and I was filled with love for her! As time went on my relationships with my siblings grew and by the time I was able to imagine my dream family I knew that I wanted to adopt children just as much as I wanted to have children. When Jeff and I were engaged we both agreed that adoption was one of the ways we would love to build our family through. At several times in our marriage we have contemplated starting the adoption process, but God had always closed the door for us. The first time was when we lost our Samuel and were told not to have children and the second time we tried to adopt was at the end of struggling to get pregnant with our second child Judah. My older sister and I are close in age and are best friends, and I wanted the same for our children. So as soon as I was done nursing Zion we started trying to have a second child, but yet again we were greeted by many disappointing negative pregnancy tests as well as some heartache from many early pregnancy losses. I just could not understand why it always had to be so hard to build our family. So I decided that this must be the time to adopt. I was gung-ho my husband was not! Which was so frustrating to me since we both had decided that adoption was what was right for our family before we had even been married yet. I pushed and prodded and one time even challenged my husband as to why he was “ dragging his feet on something we already knew we wanted” He is a wonderful man and was patient and kind even in my frantic rush to build my dream family with specifically spaced ages for all our children. He just sweetly told me that he knew it was not the time for us, and that he knew God had a child designed for us and He was willing to wait for THAT child. He told me that he really felt like God didn’t want us to do anything until the end of January. Which I am going to be honest, really just seemed annoying to me! Then one day, early in January or friend called us and told us that she was praying for us and she had a name that kept coming to mind about us, and she always was seeing it with the name Zion. I asked her what it was, and she told me “ It is Judah” when I looked up the name Judah it means “ this time I will praise the Lord” the last son I had carried, I had not praised the Lord for, I had cried and grieved and asked why over and over. It felt like this time he was giving me a chance to do it right, and on the 17th of January I found out that I was pregnant with our second child. The “ annoying request Jeff had made to wait on God until the end of the month, was clear to me now! How could I have been so foolish to try to bully the man I knew loves the Lord and the orphaned, into doing a “ good thing” but in my timing and not God’s. I asked for my husbands forgiveness which he quickly gave, and then made a decision to do 2 things this time. The first thing was to never try to force adoption on my husband again until God had shown both of us that the time was right, and second to “ this time Praise the Lord”. on September 17th 2010 our sweet Judah Jameson Joseph was born, laying the second layer to our precious “foundations of sapphire”. now I had 2 beautiful children and felt so blessed, but when I held my children and snuggled and kissed them I still wished that we could do something for children who never had a momma hold and kiss them each day. So I decided that every night my daughter and I would pick a child on the waiting child photo listing and pray for them together. We loved it! My daughter connected with some of the children so much and would pray for them through the day as well. She even would say “ can we please pray for just one more mom?” I was amazed at the insight my daughter who was only 4 at the time had for the needs of these children. Some with disabilities she had never seen or heard of at such a young age. The requests she made for them were so applicable to the needs a child in their situation would have, it made me see how pure and beautiful a child’s prayers are, and why God loves to hear their requests to Him. In our time praying for orphaned children we began praying for specific children a lot. To the point were I felt we should see if we could find out more about them so that we knew how to pray for them in an even more personal way. One child my daughter and I had received information on to pray for, was on my heart a lot, and I longed to see him with his forever family. We receive newsletters from my siblings adoption agency, and in one of the newsletters we received I was surprised and excited to see my little sweet boy who Zion and I had been praying for every night. He was pictured in a beautiful story of a man who went back to Korea to find his birth family and instead found the lost family he was searching for in a home for the disabled orphans in Korea, that are in the care of Holt International. Zion and I read the article together and rejoiced in the fact that this article my lead him home to his forever family. About a week later, I walked into our bedroom after tucking our daughter in and saw the picture of this sweet boy torn out of the newsletter and set on the edge of the bed. I asked my husband who torn it out, and he said “I did!” Then he went on to ask me if I had read the article, I told him yes I had. Then he pointed to the picture of the child Zion and I had been praying would find his family and said I think we need to pray for this little boy to find his family. I was so excited that God had given him a passion for the same child as Zion and I had, and he never even knew we were praying for him! After sharing that we had been praying for him to find his family already, Jeff replied “ Then maybe we need to pray that God will show us if we are his family!” from that day on God had multiple ways of showing us very clearly that we were indeed that family! We were blessed to be picked by the committee at Holt to be this sweet child’s family in January of 2012. He is a beautiful timid and kind child whose caretakers love! He is perfect to us! He is loved by us, and he is so wanted by his forever family! He is 3 year old child now, and I desperately want the days that we have lost with him to be redeemed in our arms! When I see my little girl staring at a little picture of a little Korean boy, dreaming of him coming home, I know in my heart, this is a beautiful thing!

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