Sunday, September 23, 2012

Linda's Story

I have been greatly blessed to be able to have children naturally, by marriage and adoption. I have been a foster parent and child care provider. 
I’ve lost 2 by miscarriage and 1 whose life was cut all too short.  In this God taught me that every child that stepped foot in my life was a gift 
to be cherished and was to be part of my family. There are those out there that pick and chose the children they allow in their lives, even a 
naturally born child can struggle to be accepted.  But, I believe I was given a heart  for children and I knew that with each child that entered 
my life I had a duty to make them feel loved and accepted. Sure I made mistakes but any good parent does. It is learning from those mistakes 
that makes all the difference.  I was very young when I had my first baby; I was overwhelmed and had no idea what to do. But love her I did 
and I truly believe that God did see how much love I had for her and knew there was enough to share with others. I watched as the children in 
my life struggled, I watched as one passed away before she was even able to live a full life, I watched as some fell, some picked themselves up 
and others went on a path unknown. I watch as my own 5 children have learned to accept others no matter where they come from or have been.  
My life has been full because of all the children who cross my path. Even today I am blessed to have children of all ages come into my life. 
So, what am I trying to say by sharing this, love every child that enters your life; in the end you will be the one blessed.

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