Friday, July 4, 2014

HOPE Changes Everything

Hello Blogger World, Facebook Fans, Forever Friends, Family Members, and the Total Strangers who we have yet to meet,

      We started Waiting for Baby Stories a couple years ago, bravely telling the world about our journey through infertility.  It was a way to remind us of how far we had come and how far we had to go.  It was also easier to blog about our life rather than call the 100+ friends and family members to give them updates!

See original post:

Throughout the last two years, we have shared our continued journey as well as several other stories of couples journeys through adoptions, miscarriages, infertility, and the crazy ways we sometimes become families.  I have found myself crying along with these beautiful mamas while my husband offers kind words to the papas,  we have prayed diligently over the families who trust us with their stories, and now find ourselves in the crazy cycle of Invitro, where Hope is the only thing we have to hold on to.

It has been an amazing comfort to me to go back and read others stories and gain encouragement as I face unknowns of Infertility and Invitro. I am so humbled that others would share about their experiences so openly with the rest of the world as we truly learn from others stories.  You all have been a major support to me whether you know it or not and I rejoice with you in the babes that have come and believe for those yet to come.

The main purpose of us writing today, was to check in and tell you how much we appreciate you visiting our blog and Facebook page:  I also wanted to let you know that there's is a slight possibility that our blog or Facebook page might not have as frequent of posts as it usually does.  As we get down to the wire on our Invitro date, it means we will more doctors appointments, needles, ultrasounds, than time.  We are going to document the process because let me tell you, it is scary going to these things and not knowing what the heck is going on!  So, I'll be the BIG sister and tell you!

Thanks for turning another page,
~Kassandra and Nicholas

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