This blog is the beginning of a project. A project very near and dear to our hearts as we explore all the world and well, "wait for baby." A project that has been burning within, waiting, wondering, and the topic of many late night discussions with friends, family, total strangers, and each other. A project that will most undoubtedly pluck at your heart strings and toy with your deepest emotions. A project that is not taken lightly as we begin the responsibility of sharing with you. A project that started with a story.
A love story.
Meet The Bloggers:
Boy meets Girl. They fall head over heels in love with each other. They get married "too young." They begin their All-American careers as an Electrician and Teacher. They envision owning an acreage one day with a simple farm house, but make do with the tiny two-bedroom house in the city. They get a red-haired dog named Maddie. They dream of having nine children. And there it is...just a dream...a dream whose ending never changes no matter how hard they try. To help ease the pain, they dance in their living room when no ones watching, hug babies and run with children, eat ice cream, walk their four-legged "baby," sob into each others arms upon cheetah print bed sheets, tell their story and listen to others as they too wait for baby, and most of all-pray. Pray that one day there will be answer in the form of a little brown eyed girl and a handsome little man.
Please consider joining Nick and Kassie as they continue their story and share many more like theirs as they Wait For Baby. We welcome stories of all kinds. Stories of adoption, infertility struggles, single parents, stories from friends and family who struggle as well when a loved one deals with the above. For more information on how you can share your story, please e-mail us at:
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