Monday, December 24, 2012

A Message

Have you ever had one of THOSE days...that then turn into a week?  A month?  A year?  Well, I'm now on week three of feeling the brink of depression creeping into my soul.  There's nothing worse than being in "baby despair," except maybe when it comes at the same time as the holidays!  Ugh.  Walking around with carols streaming through every radio, dozens of presents to wrap, cards to address, and a fake smile plastered to my face feels absolutely preposterous this time of year because deep down I'm just struggling to breathe.  The emptiness of my arms, the look of an innocent child, brings nothing but tears in world where I feel all alone....

....and then something happened.  I found myself sitting in a pew two days before Christmas knowing full well that the birth of the Savior would be the mornings topic.  I was right, and yet so wrong.  The message was more about faith, hope, and the power of believing.  Believing that  the things your waiting for-come.  Believing so much that you thank the Lord before it even makes it way into your life.  Believing that what has been written about your situation-will come to pass.

This message of faith left me quietly sobbing, unable to stand, wishing I was anywhere but there.  Yet, I was also filled with this small spark of hope.  That God knew my pain, saw me, and helped orchestrate this message just for me.  My husband took my hand and quietly lead us in a prayer giving God 2013 and believing that He would make the impossible-possible.

Please click on the following link and press "listen" on the message, "How To Find Favor With God."

So dear friends, We would like to leave you with this message and hope you find it uplifting as you believe for 2013.  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled to the brim with happiness as we, wait for baby!
~Kassie and Nick

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